The Begenner


Hi,这里是Mr.zhou。花费丢丢时间,终于启动了自己的个人portfolio和blog网站用jekyll部署在GitHub pages上,纯粹感觉很好玩。使用Jekyll来搭建博客的好处是我觉得静态网页更加容易打理而且非常漂亮。选择部署在GitHub上也是比较方便而且是免费的。调试阶段发现还有一些bug需要修正,网站在以后还会继续的改进,并且分享一些好玩的东西。

如果你觉得这个博客很有意思的话,那么走过路过的就赏点小钱和红包作为我的创业基金吧,以后小卖部成功开业少不了你的辣条。(Just Joking)

Hi, this is Mr.zhou. I have my portfolio and blog deployed on Github Pages using Jekyll just for fun. One thing I found that was fascinating about it was that I can take good care of website with jekyll and it looks artistically gorgeous like a work of art. Deployment of a website on Gitbub is definetely easy and free of charge as long as you do not make a singer repository bigger than 1 GB, otherwise you will get a warm greeting email from github technical team.I hope I can keep posting and updating in the future. As I said, everything is just for fun.

Contact Me


当然生活还是要继续,因为天秤座的性格就是 blahblah… chotto matte,社会主义接班人从不迷信。

Hi, this is Mr.Zhou. A passionate basketballer and a good team player. Going to gym three times a week or so but not professional. A traveller willing to explore the world and seeing the beauty of diffrent cultures and lives. Music lover and sometimes do some cover songs for fun. Thumb up for skiing. A quick learner once made use of all basic skills in one day as a novice and be able to ski from the mountaintop to the ground in the next day. I just love freedom.

You can reach out to me at Github, Instagram or, for simplicity, shoot me a email for anything that you want to share with me. I will be truly grateful for any response.